
Scammer photos search
Scammer photos search

scammer photos search

Do a Google image search on photos or search the internet for others who may have had dealings with them. If you have only ever met someone online or are unsure of the legitimacy of a business, take some time to do a bit more research. Take the time to think and check.īe vigilant to any urgent or confidential request not respecting the standard working procedure. The fraudsters generally request an urgent action and use a combination of authority (“it is an order to do this”), secrecy (“this project is still secret/confidential…”), valorization (“I count on you for your efficiency and discretion”) and pressure (“the success of the operation rests on your shoulders”) to convince to do the action. Fraudsters often attempt to approach you with a fraudulent email address that looks very similar to the official domain: sends e-mail) could be a valid email, sends e-mail) is not (note the two “s” in the domain name). Never trust them and be careful of disambiguation.

scammer photos search

Phone number displayed on incoming call or “From” field presented by your email client can be easily spoofed. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. When dealing with uninvited contacts from people or businesses, whether it's over the phone, by mail, email, in person or on a social networking site, always consider the possibility that the approach may be a scam. In order to protect our partners, the general public and UNESCO itself, we would like to offer the following advice: UNESCO is deeply concerned that fraudsters are sending fabricated invoices in the name of UNESCO to our partners with false bank account information. Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs.

Scammer photos search